How to Train a Territorial Dog with Robert Cabral (Episode 66)

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 12

  • @Ani-c6i
    @Ani-c6i 5 месяцев назад +5

    Very helpful thank you. My dog protects me because he was with me in the hardest and most vulnerable period of my life (15-18) and when my brother would come in my room and hit me. I thought it was great because he would stop the hitting and he protected me but now when I go in public to a park or beach for example and lay a towel out, he perceives it as our territory so anyone that walks past he barks. He isn’t biting aggressive but he will harrass someone and lunge bark bark lunge until they leave and it’s really embarrassing. He’s a small dog

  • @jacquigoodman3360
    @jacquigoodman3360 Год назад +1

    Thank you for this video. It’ll be a big help in my retraining of our dog.

  • @alejandraossajimenez858
    @alejandraossajimenez858 Год назад +4

    This is a great video! I am surprise it does not have more views. I can link so much to my own dog and the training I do with her, but it is also very eye opening. Thank you!

  • @Jeni-ow1kl
    @Jeni-ow1kl Год назад +1

    YOU ARE A GREAT Teacher Thank you!

  • @drrodopszin
    @drrodopszin 3 года назад +2

    Excellent information! The really hard part is getting a person who doesn't want to yank, shout at, or hit the dog if the first attempt fails, and consistently, kindly approaches the them. People are either too impatient or bought into the dominance theory.

  • @michellestreater3296
    @michellestreater3296 Год назад +1

    Thank u

  • @gina6083
    @gina6083 7 месяцев назад

    I would like to hear your input on a farm dog who roams the property but is aggressive to stangers or even neighbors that come to the farm. When a dog is protecting the farm you want them to be aggressive to other dogs or predators, even when the owner is away. So how can someone trust they are not going to attack strangers that arrive when you are not home? Also, when you attempt to grab a dog to take them away from the situation or tie them up, what about if the dog attempts to bite you?

  • @sandycampbell4897
    @sandycampbell4897 3 месяца назад

    We rescued an older dashound several months ago. She has bonded more with my husband and will bite me if she thinks I'm going to move her away from him. She recently has started to try to bite him when he kisses me goodbye.

  • @garymiller125
    @garymiller125 3 года назад

    great video

  • @eshea3621
    @eshea3621 10 месяцев назад


  • @robcourt9727
    @robcourt9727 6 месяцев назад +1

    This was a very disappointing video! A lot of theorizing blah blah. At NO POINT did you actually teach HOW TO STOP territorial behavior!

    • @demodisc5229
      @demodisc5229 5 месяцев назад +1

      He does though. Watch 11:55 onwards. He says you need to give you dog something to do instead of telling them to just stop. You need to correct/ interrupt the bad behavior