I Am

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I am
I am the channel
to which, all is tuned.
The cycles of life and death
dance pirouettes around my circumference.
I’ve held them on a string, since the dawn of time.

My love for your smallest accomplishments
is greater, than your deepest pain
at the hands of man.

My sorrow irrigates riverbeds, and feeds brethren streams
until they collect, in an aquatic family tree.
I am current, and the lunar pull on the tide.
I am rhythm, dancing, free.

My heartburn is Kilimanjaro, dormant
I gather cooled ashes, of myself and soothe
what bubbles beneath.

My boredom yawns the Santa Ana winds
and stirs my muse for poetry in motion.
I stand back and admire myself, as free verse.

My joy is the sun, making love to the moon.
This is the genius of time, and infinite proof
of love, everlasting.

I have seen everything twice
and lived it all, in your lifetimes.

I am that I am.
I am freedom.

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unpredictablebijouunpredictablebijouover 16 years ago
damn fine

I can really hear this read aloud. It would be a good one for a slam or a rally. Really solid work, sassy. Well done.

LeBrozLeBrozover 16 years ago

This poem has been selected for listing in Wednesday's New Poems Review.<br>





Safe_BetSafe_Betover 16 years ago

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. "I have seen everything twice and lived it all, in your lifetimes." is wonderful. It is easy to see that this is a poem of the heart. Thank you. Deep bows.