Buckwheat is a highly nutritious whole grain that many people consider to be a superfood. Some health benefits of buckwheat may include improving heart health, promoting weight loss, and helping manage diabetes.
Buckwheat is a good source of protein, fiber, and energy. Buckwheat does not contain gluten, so for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerances, buckwheat and buckwheat flour are excellent dietary alternatives.
This article will discuss the nutrition, health benefits, and side effects of buckwheat.

Buckwheat is a grain-like seed that grows throughout the United States. It is a pseudocereal as it shares many similar properties to cereals but does not come from grass as most other cereals do. Quinoa is another example of a pseudocereal.
Buckwheat is an ingredient in many everyday food products, such as breakfast foods, flour, and noodles. Farmers also use it for livestock feed.
Buckwheat contains a variety of healthful nutrients. It is a good source of protein, fiber, and healthful complex carbohydrates.
One cup, or 168 grams (g), of roasted, cooked buckwheat groats (hulled seeds)
Buckwheat also contains vitamins, including:
- thiamin
- riboflavin
- niacin
- folate
- vitamin K
- vitamin B-6
The following sections look at the evidence for possible health benefits of adding buckwheat to the diet.
1. Boosting heart health
As a whole grain, buckwheat could have benefits for heart health.
A 2015 systematic review found a link between diets that were higher in whole grain foods and a lower risk of heart disease.
People who follow gluten-free diets
Buckwheat is a good source of fiber. According to the
2. Improving digestion
Buckwheat is rich in fiber. Dietary fiber is a type of plant-based carbohydrate that the body cannot break down during digestion.
Fiber supports the intestines in digesting food efficiently and helps food move through the digestive tract. It may also have other benefits, such as encouraging weight loss and preventing cardiovascular disease.
One cup of buckwheat also contains 1.58 mg of the
Being a good source of fiber and niacin makes buckwheat a good choice for digestive health.
3. Weight management
Buckwheat is also a good option for weight management.
Satiety is the feeling of fullness after a meal. It is an important concept in preventing weight gain or promoting weight loss. Foods that increase satiety can offset hunger for more extended periods and may reduce the total number of calories a person consumes during a day.
Buckwheat is high in protein.
Including buckwheat in a healthful diet could lead to greater satiety and help with weight management. However, scientists will need to do further research into the effect of buckwheat and other whole grains to confirm this.
4. Managing diabetes
As a whole grain, buckwheat is a source of complex carbohydrate. This form of carbohydrate can help people manage their blood glucose levels.
The body takes longer to break down complex carbohydrates than simple carbohydrates. This slows down digestion and helps keep blood sugar levels stable for longer. White bread is an example of a simple carbohydrate.
According to the American Diabetes Association, whole grain foods are a good source of carbohydrate. These foods are an excellent source of energy and can provide fiber and minerals.
Buckwheat is generally safe to consume and should not cause side effects in most people.
It is possible for buckwheat to cause a reaction in people with buckwheat allergies. They may experience symptoms, such as swelling in the mouth, or hives, when consuming buckwheat. However, reports of buckwheat allergies are uncommon in the U.S.
Buckwheat is easy to incorporate into a healthy diet. People can buy buckwheat groats in health stores or choose between brands online. Buckwheat flour is also available in stores and online for making bread, pancakes, and baked goods.
People can eat raw buckwheat groats after soaking and draining the raw groats to make them easier to digest. Otherwise, boil the groats in water before adding them to salads, sides, or mains.
To add buckwheat into the diet, try the following recipe ideas:
Buckwheat porridge is a healthful alternative to standard breakfast cereals, or try making pancakes with buckwheat flour, which go well with berries.
Buckwheat groats make an excellent addition to a salad. Boil the buckwheat groats in salted water before adding to the salad.
To include buckwheat in a stir-fry, mix the groats with egg, then fry them over a medium heat for a few minutes before adding other ingredients.
Buckwheat muffins are a tasty, gluten-free option for dessert.
Buckwheat is a healthful and diverse food product. A range of foods, from cereal to pancakes, contain buckwheat.
Buckwheat has an excellent nutritional profile, with a high protein content. It may have benefits for heart health and digestion. It could also make a great addition to the diets of people with diabetes, or those trying to manage their weight.